\On the 24th of February of this year, a horrible war broke out in Ukraine and many families suffered and had to flee their homeland because of that. The Lubov family, a family that consists of two parents and 9 children, was also one of the families that had to endure the consequences of this dreadful war. The Lubov family decided to evacuate from Ukraine after the Russian troops, miraculously, were backing off to Belarus. First, the family were making their way to the Chernivtsi region. That long, tiring and horrifying journey took a whole week. After they got there, they finally crossed the Ukrainian-Romanian border. The city the Lubov family was in wasn’t safe anymore because the front was slowly approaching them and was less than two hundred kilometers away. The sirens and bombing were terrorizing their feeling and were slowly making them feel more and more helpless and miserable. At some point, they remembered that because their Grandfather was sheltering jews during the holocust and risked not only his but his family’s well-being and lives he was given the title “Righteous Among Nations’ ‘ and was an honorary citizen of Israel. Not only was he an honorary citizen, he was also living in Israel and was buried in Beer Sheva. In March, the Lubov family finally got to Israel and started living with the husband’s sister. Since the Lubov family fled Ukraine with almost nothing, they were in a dire need of the most necessary and basic things. MTI helped the Lubov family by providing them with: mattresses, a table, pillows, bed linens, a new fridge and plenty of warm and encouraging words. The Lubov family are incredibly thankful for the kindness and the warm welcome that they got from MTI!