Alla’s story

MTI stepped in to support Alla by providing a warm, new blanket for the cold season as well as food vouchers.

Meeting up with Holocaust survivors in Rishon Lezion

On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, volunteers gathered with Holocaust survivors in Rishon Lezion, celebrating their jubilee and distributing gifts. They prayed for peace and wished safety for Israel's IDF soldiers.

Providing support for a single mother in need

After her husband's tragic passing, Lera struggled to take care of her three children all by herself in the current situation in Israel. MTI helped Lera and provided the family with much-needed support.

Helping Israeli families in Bulgaria

Because of the war, a lot of Israeli families got stuck in Europe without being able to come back. MTI helped them secure their safety and assisted them as much as possible until their return to Israel.

Evgenia Gedzinskaya’s Story

Evgenia Gedzinskaya, a former ghetto prisoner from Bershad, Ukraine, shared her story of surviving the Holocaust with our volunteers that visited her.

Helping a family that evacuated from Ashkelon

Daria, a single mother of three, that firstly evacuated from Ukraine and then evacuated from Ashkelon because of the wars that are going on. Due to facing financial difficulties, she was granted rent relief by MTI.

Help to Olim from Venezuela

MTI provided financial assistance to families of Spanish-speaking Jewish immigrants returning to Israel for Rosh Hashanah. The Auroa family, a crisis-stricken Venezuelan family, needed help with food, housing, and special needs.

David Nudelis’s story

MTI volunteers assist Holocaust survivors such as David Nudelis, who escaped the "Death Loop" camp.

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