Feeding families in need

In order to help struggling families, MTI provided them with full groceries and some sweets to lift up their spirits.

Ukraine War Victims

Elena’s son, who joined the Ukrainian army at the beginning of the war, got shot in his leg while being on duty.

Passover: Remember and Celebrate

Passover is a time of celebrating with family and friends, but most of these new immigrant families do not have any relatives in Israel.

Walkers for Holocaust Survivors

Through the years, it has been our desire and honor to find ways to make the lives of those who literally lived in concentration camps more comfortable and happy.

Warming the hearts of new immigrants

Israeli winters can be very cold. Most homes are made of stone, mortar and steel and are difficult to heat. Apartments have little or no heat, which means it can get bitterly cold at

Afula Support Center

Recently Ministry to Israel opened it’s third support center in Israel, located in the city of Afula in the Jezreel Valley. The Afula Support Center (ASC) is different from other places in the city,

Alexey’s scooter

Alexey, who arrived in Israel four years ago, lives in Netanya with his mother in a rented apartment. Alexey has cerebral palsy, and although he has difficulty walking and moving his body, he has

Families express their thankfulness

Everyday across Israel, Jewish families are being assisted by our teams. The needs are as varied as the people and the situations equally as unique.

A Time-Honored Royal Celebration

Queens, kings, villians and dramatic plot twists, a tale almost as old as time. The book of Esther, however, is not just a tale but an historical account of events that keeps the first time

MTI Back to School 2017 project

Like every year, in 2017 MTI helped needy families to send their kids to school. This year we helped about 200 kids by buying them necessary equipment, bags, books and shoes for school. Short video

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