Everyday across Israel, Jewish families are being assisted by our teams. The needs are as varied as the people and the situations equally as unique. While many express their appreciation in person, some take the time to write their heartfelt thanks. It is MTI donors who make it possible for these lives to be impacted. The thanks goes to you, and we wanted to share what a couple of these families had to say.

My name is Irina. I live in Beer Sheva with my children. I want to thank the Jerusalem Support Center for your help buying a refrigerator that came just in time. I have two children and cannot work because I am invalid and my disease is progressing. Your help was a big present, which I could not have even dreamed about. I met your representative by accident, and that is how I heard about you. I am still surprised that I got help from you. I would not be able to buy a new refrigerator on my own, since my allowance is not enough for our family. I am very thankful for everything you have done for us. It is wonderful that there are organizations like yours which help needy.
Huge thank you from our entire family,

Our family came to Israel about two years ago. Very soon our first daughter will be born. My husband decided to start an apartment moving business not long ago, and it is in establishing phase now. We have many expenses since we have to pay the truck loan and salaries to all the workers that work with him. So at this stage we don’t have a lot of income from it. It is barely enough for us to pay our bills and rent. I cannot work since I am in my ninth month of pregnancy.
We wanted to buy a stroller for our new baby, but had postponed it due to the lack of finances. The delivery date came closer and closer, but we still didn’t have a stroller. We heard about JSC and their support program for new immigrant families. We decided to apply for help, since we didn’t have any other hope. It was a shock when we got a phone call saying that we got a brand new stroller. It is a three-in-one stroller, the most worthy and necessary gift for our daughter. It is a huge help for our family.
Thank you,
The Rodenko Family
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