An Answer to Prayer

I came with my son to Israel. We are alone in the country, but we received the allowance from the government. I am studying in the Hebrew classes. The Ministry of Absorption assured us that after six months they will pay us another allowance so I can finish my Hebrew studies. I am working in the

Relief in a Difficult Season

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Irina’s husband passed away after a long battle with cancer, and she now is alone in Israel without any relatives. Additionally, Irina was very afraid of the coming summer months because of the extreme heat. With her health problems, she had a difficult time, especially during the night. During the day, it wasn’t so

Container Number 4!

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I can’t help but marvel at the amazing things the Lord does through our MTI family! Almost without warning, the door to bring containers of aid into Israel opened suddenly before us. We quickly stepped through citing one request to the distributors, “give us the best aid you have,” which they have graciously

A Line Is Drawn. Where Do You Stand?

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There’s something very spiritual going on in our world. In recent times nations, denominations and even individuals are being challenged to make a decision regarding Israel’s place as God’s chosen people. Shockingly, some prominent long-time supporters of Israel in the Evangelical ranks have now reversed their pro-Israel position?

Tunnels – The Greatest Threat Of All

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The major thrust of the IDF, at this point, is the destruction of the terrorist tunnel system Hamas is using to infiltrate into Israel territory from Gaza. According to a recent Satellite image from the US, there are 60 of these tunnels. Israel has taken 36 so far, destroying 16 with more scheduled. IDF soldiers are going building to building in Gaza searching for entrances and have found many in private homes, mosques, schools and so on.

Hamas is to Blame!

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I’ve been in the US now for 6 days, I’ve watched the constant media presentations blaming Israel for just about everything happening in Gaza, including the death and destruction taking place there. There are pictures flooding the world of dead children and screaming parents followed by a finger pointing at Israel as the offender, the uncaring demonized infiltrator. Anyone watching is incensed by what they see and rightfully angered at the suffering of the innocent. But it must be reiterated again and again HAMAS IS TO BLAME not Israel!

More on Ukrainian Struggles

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It is historically true that millions of people living in the FSU have suffered at the hands of tyrannical leaders. It is also true there are certain long-time spiritual forces at work that, if not abated by the hand of the Lord, will certainly bring on more disaster and darkness.

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